Monday 3 October 2016

Goose wing Sunday...

Possibly the last sail of the season, but to be honest this was a bit of an anti-climax so I've blown a half days holiday with the intention of getting out again this Friday afternoon...

Big tide weekend ...  4.8mtrs...  so there was a lot of water sloshing around, and not much wind to counter it...  on at least three occasions I was going gently backwards!

Northerly and fluky..  I spent the day either running or beating...  the down wind legs were dead downwind but the wind was switching 5 or 10 degrees continuously, which made it tricky to decide sail position, as goose wing switched from one side to the other continuously...

Either way, downwind to Marker took me two and a half hours, turned an beat back, wind dropped, engine on and back to the mooring..  7 miles in four hours...

Yours truly heading back past "Marker" - pic courtesy of fellow club member Julian on "Billy"

Beautiful day though and I got home burnt and tired...  not bad for October!

Sea dog...  can't tell if it's "old"...
...not much to dislike on a day like this....


Distance: 6.9 miles (in 4 hours! ) - cumulative total in the mileage tab at the top
Wind: NNW to NNE; F1 to F2
Sail Plan: Full main and full genoa
Speed: Maximum speed 5kts (under motor) average 1.6 kts


  1. Nice photo of your boat Steve, and a nice quiet peaceful video - warms the cockles of a sailors heart.

  2. Alden - you're season is all fresh and new and waiting for you... mine's coming to an end, so make sure you put some nice pictures and video's up for us northern souls to watch as the snow and the rain lashes down.... :)
