... you could get a bit cheesed off really....

Following a brief exchange of emails to ensure I got the right "matched pair" my main sheet problem is now largely resolved... for £80 I got a pair of Selden blocks from Ratseys [clicky] the lower block is the one to the left, with a matching double block at the top, this will give 4:1 - which should be plenty... all I need to do now is buy the line... 10mm braid on braid,but I need to figure out the length (it'll be long!)... either way that's one of the "necessaries" I can almost sign off..
More good news (I'm feeling better already

Now the bad news - having been delighted at the quality of the foresail, but amazed that someone wouldn't put a UV strip on it, I got the now completed sail from the sail-makers and hot footed it down to the boat to fit it...
Buggery... but at least the old name has now been scraped off ready for a replacement at some point in time |
...not good... it's tiny - I'd say a no. 2 at best... if I rig it as it should be with the tack at the roller drum, the head of the sail is so low that I can't use the roller reefing (the halyard wraps immediately). If I rig it with the head high enough to stop halyard wrap the tack of the sail is a yard and a half above the drum and it looks ridiculous (see picture).... for the time being I'll rig it as it should be and roll it by hand when I need to... them's the breaks...
Elsewhere, the boat got a good clean, and I replaced the starboard side mushroom vent which was in a hideous condition - the port side one is as bad and will be done later. All I need to do to finish the job is replace the temporary nuts and bolts with stainless ones and squirt a bit of sealant underneath before tightening down - that's a job for tomorrow or the day after.
Elsewhere, the boat got a good clean, and I replaced the starboard side mushroom vent which was in a hideous condition - the port side one is as bad and will be done later. All I need to do to finish the job is replace the temporary nuts and bolts with stainless ones and squirt a bit of sealant underneath before tightening down - that's a job for tomorrow or the day after.