Saturday 2 January 2021

Bella.. wasn't...

..beautiful that is ...

As if the year hasn't been bad enough, "Bella" arrived last week with a sting in the tail...  gusts of F12 overnight caused heart ache to a couple of club members

This one just toppled sideways into the boat sat next to it..  owner says little or no damage, couple of bent stanchions, and no signs of damage on the red one either ..  lucky the one it was leaning against was so big..

Second one was far more serious..  fin keeler on a frame was knocked sideways off the frame and ended up resting partially in the hedge you can see with her mast over the main road running the other side of it...  our club members are nothing if not resourceful, and one of them had contacts with a crane company hence the following..  it looks high but it's a bit of an optical illusion...

Owner is gutted...  it looks like there is no serious damage but it's in the hands of the insurance now..

Good wishes going to both owners...