Thursday, 22 January 2015

Icy blasts are definitely disincentivising..

... you wouldn't want to try saying that after a couple of pints of "Hole Hearted" [clicky] 🍻

First post of the new year, so let me be the last to wish any readers a "Happy New Year", to the sailors among you, "fair winds for 2015"...

...disincentivising?? Purely down to the cold really - not so much the effect on me, though I'll be the first say I prefer being on the boat in a pair of shorts and a tshirt, but more because of the effects on the materials I need to be wielding..  glue doesn't stick well, paint doesn't dry well, varnish same, epoxy needs another 10 to 15' C minimum before it even thinks about going off...  lots to do but I'm going to have to wait a while yet...  can't even take stuff home and work on them in the garage as I don't have any heating, though I am thinking of bringing the tender home to give it a bit of a titivate....

Went to visit "Sparrow" this morning - the bin bags are working, just a small quarter inch puddle in the usual place (bilges under the cockpit step) - itching to get to work on her....

In the meanwhile - here's a memory from last summer..  roll on the next one, and just to ratchet up the pressure a little more - the launch date countdown timer has been ...  errr...  launched