Some stuff has been happening, however...
The outboard is in for a service.. expected back in a week or so...
Tiller pilot (job #3 on the winter list)...
I've fitted the DriPlug 2-Pin Plug I bought last summer to the tiller pilot, the socket will wait for later, as there's no point wiring it up until I can drill holes in the boat and fit it, I'd only have to dismantle it again as part of the fit..
I have wired in an inline fuse however, as my intention is to wire the tiller pilot wiring direct to the battery, albeit I will be wiring the positive to the switch panel side of the isolator switch so that when that's off, there'll also be be no power to the tiller pilot socket/circuit...
![]() |
...I put some amalgamating tape round those joints when I'm on the boat.. |
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I've also been giving some thought to where I will mount the pilot... Raymarine guidance is as follows:
![]() |
Source as above.. |

So I have two options...
- I fit a bracket on the cockpit side that will bring the tiller pilot 3" closer to the tiller
- I buy (or make) a push rod extension so I can mount the pilot on the coaming
More anon...
Boarding ladder (job #7)..
That'll be fitted before I go back in the water... I have two aluminium plates on order that I'll be using as a kind of super sized washer to spread the loads.. these are 30cm x 10cm and 4mm thick.. plan at the moment is to
- Drill holes in the plates to match the fitting (following)
- offer up the ladder to the back of the boat and mark the attachment points - needs to be low enough that the bottom rung is under or near the surface of the water (though I will put an extension on the bottom rung in the form of a metal pipe on a piece of line attached to the bottom rung)
- drill holes (the point of no return)
- grind off the inside of the transom around the holes to an area equivalent to the aluminium plates.. wipe down with acetone...
- put a nice thick'ish smear of thickened epoxy on the back of the plates, bolt the whole lot through, and partially tighten up, which should squish the epoxy out nicely and form a bed as I tighten the bolts..
- ..once the epoxy has gone off tighten some more..

...and why would I need such a beast.. well I have a plan to address the issue with the ==>
Outboard pad (job #10)
...the lip of the outboard inset has some cracks in it, the top of the pad is coming away from the transom (in yellow), but as you can see I have bolts, and a drain pipe going through it so unless I really have to I didn't want to take it off completely.. I plan to cut along the red line (wood cutter disc in the grinder) and remove the top couple of inches.. check what then needs doing, repair, and then replace with a strip of new marine ply to the same size, which I'll through bolt... sounds easy...