So what's been happening? Bit of sailing, bit of maintenance, not a lot else...
Last weekend I put in a few hours on the transom board and rubbing strakes - the weather has been fierce this summer, and it's over a year and a half since they were last done (Feb '19). The good news was I didn't have to do the whole of them - just the rear third, and only the top edge at that, which I guess gets most of the water run off. Rub down to good with a detail sander, wipe off with white spirit, and a coat on each side and all done.
Then did the same to the transom board (also known as the cockpit board) - from what I can tell thi sis the first time since 2017 so it's done well, but it had blistered in parts down to wood.. good sand all over, edges and top, removing all lose material, single coat and all good - took the opportunity to also replace the bungee's holding on the solar panel.
One job still to do is to put some varnish on the hand rails - but it is stupid hot here at the moment so I'll hold that over to this weekend..
..and sailing? That good egg Rod the Mod called me the other day and offered me a ride-out for the day... pausing only to spit his arm out, I bit so quick, we agreed on a jaunt last Thursday, and what a jaunt... suffice to say I ticked two items off the bucket list...
First tick, we went past a pod of dolphins after we let Portsmouth! Cool as you like - just dipping and blowing about 50 yards off the port quarter - we couldn't believe it... we were no more than a mile off the harbour entrance, and I was watching dolphins... bloody amazing... 😃
Carried on - it was easterly's, so dead down wind for most of the Solent, but with a bit of tide under us as well, we were doing 3 to 4 knots and had plans for the Hamble In the end we opted for a deserted mid river pontoon up the Medina from Cowes... food, beer, snooze (we're getting old) and then upped sticks for home... and just outside of Cowes this speed merchant came hurtling past..
You can watch these in sequence...
Yep - full gybe on stilts - and never dropped off the foils... simply stunning.. and another tick off the bucket list...