Monday, 2 May 2016

May Bank bow...

..May Bank national holiday in the UK this weekend but the tides are not optimal being very early and fairly late, and if that wasn't enough it continues to be cold and breezy.. 

Enough's enough though, and with just a small window of opportunity (forecast today is grey wet and windy...  and cold) I legged it out for an hour last night just to start the season... looks like a number of my fellow club members had the same idea's as I saw a few boats head out...

So, only an hour, only the genoa, but that's it, the season has started, and my was it good to feel the pull of the wind after a winter's work... but Lord it was cold..  hardly shorts and Crocs weather 

Good shakedown as I realised I'd put the wrong jib sheets on when I rigged, swapped them over when I got back to the mooring..  looking forward to a longer sail


Distance: 3.36 miles (cumulative total in the mileage tab at the top of the page)
Wind: Both ends of a F4; direction SW by S
Sail Plan: Full/reefed genoa - engine to manoeuvre and get back to the mooring after the wind dropped......
Speed: GPS track says the max speed was 5.2 knots (which would have been under sail - but I saw a few 5.7's under sail when we were returning which would have been tidal assist) - average speed 3.4 knots


  1. The Cutters rowed round the Langstone Archipelego at roughly the same time and I noticed a number of empty buoys. Cold and grey but great out there, and one of the good things about evening rows is you get to go to the pub after.

    1. Hi Chris, thought I saw you guys going.... I can confirm I also went to the pub afterwards.. :o))

  2. We managed a quick sail in the Opi Sunday, definitely too small even for me just giving helpful guidance.

    Drove over the bridge to Hayling this morning, grey and a bit drafty, I'm sure we spotted sparrow on her mooring,

    1. Max - always good to know she's where I left her..! :o)

  3. I got on board Sunday evening too. I refitted my refreshed jib sail, but it was a bit too windy to have a go at fitting the main. Sprite isn't ready to sail yet, but it won't be long now...

    1. Mark - new jib is looking good.. agree with you, definitely too breezy for fitting the main... and as a first trip out genoa was plenty for the same reason...

  4. Great to get out for the first time each season... don't know about you but I always feel a little rusty this time of year :)
