Still being done...
All finished apart from the forestay, which despite her diminutive size is 6mm. We had every intention of replacing this with 5mm, but the roller furler (a Goiet) drum has a forestay fitting that uses a
12mm (!) clevis pin, and the swaged end that would accommodate this only comes for 6mm rigging wire - so we'll replace like for like.... it made me chuckle - the entire forestay design is built round one clevis pin!
In the interim,
I've wire brushed and Hammer'ited the tabernacle - I'll give it a second coat this weekend (so that's one good side effect of the delay as I ran out of time last weekend)
"Before".... I'll get an "after" picture this weekend... |
I have also fitted a burgee halyard on the starboard spreader - just an eye strap pop riveted to spreader, and then a small shackle and block I found attached to the top of the mast when I was cleaning... it wasn't being used there and now is - not the most important or momentous of fixes but it's something else done, and off the list....and I can now fly my pirate flag....
While cleaning and checking the mast I was surprised to find that the light at the top of the mast was actually a tri-colour navigation light, rather than an anchor light as I had assumed - the reason for the confusion is that the lens for the light is so fogged and crazed (UV damage) that it appears white. It's also useless as no light can be seen thought it - it's a shame as the fitting is in very good condition apart from that. There are alternatives though, and the need is not urgent. I'll replace it when I fit the VHF this winter - in the meanwhile I'll keep an eye on eBay for an old light to cannibalise.
As preparation however, I've had the electrical wire replaced - this runs inside the mast so it makes sense to do it now. I've also replaced that manky plug you can see in the picture above - we'll see if I also end up having to do the through deck fitting...
All being well I hope to take the boat round to have the mast put back on, on Monday (15th)
I find rigging to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of sail boat maintenance. A well thought out line plan is a thing a beauty!