I lost the weekend as I had family down, so I snuck in a half day today to finish off a few of the remaining jobs..
First on the list was the fore-hatch which had hideous, garden gate type, galvanised hinges that had rusted solid, meaning that opening the hatch involved actually bending the hinge rather than it acting as a hinge... no good... especially as that's my route to the anchor until I can get a chain pipe installed..
The idea was quite clever, the post plate is bolted to the deck, and then the long flat section is bent at 90' to attach to the edge of the hatch, and then bent 90' again to attach to the surface of the hatch.. the problem is that a marine salt environment had done for the simple pin hinges... so 20 minutes saw me having unbolted the post plate from the deck, I then removed the entire hatch, and with the assistance of two large adjustable spanners on almost minimum setting, copious quantities of teflon spray, and brute force and ignorance I got the hinges working again. I then reattached them to the deck.... job done... for now... need to make sure I keep them lubed - next winter the hatch will get proper hinges...
Next job was putting the pick up buoy on the mooring, was expecting to row out to do this but managed to cadge a lift on the club work boat which was out helping out with the launches today...job done..
Back ashore and the next job was a quick scrub and wash of the cockpit and side decks which were looking grubby after a winter ashore - the deck cockpit have a layer of ingrained dirt which I think will need some pukka/strong cleaning products at some point (oxalic acid in solution, or the like) but for now she'll do... she's clean, just not immaculate....
Last job of the day was some varnishing... the wooden board at the back of the cockpit, the tiller, and the step into the cabin were all looking a little tired, if not flaky... rubbed down, wiped over with white spirit, and then given a coating of an own brand, exterior, high gloss varnish... hopefully they'll be dry in the morning!
....and that's it... done everything I can... she goes in tomorrow...wish me luck with those replacement sea cocks!

The idea was quite clever, the post plate is bolted to the deck, and then the long flat section is bent at 90' to attach to the edge of the hatch, and then bent 90' again to attach to the surface of the hatch.. the problem is that a marine salt environment had done for the simple pin hinges... so 20 minutes saw me having unbolted the post plate from the deck, I then removed the entire hatch, and with the assistance of two large adjustable spanners on almost minimum setting, copious quantities of teflon spray, and brute force and ignorance I got the hinges working again. I then reattached them to the deck.... job done... for now... need to make sure I keep them lubed - next winter the hatch will get proper hinges...
Next job was putting the pick up buoy on the mooring, was expecting to row out to do this but managed to cadge a lift on the club work boat which was out helping out with the launches today...job done..
Back ashore and the next job was a quick scrub and wash of the cockpit and side decks which were looking grubby after a winter ashore - the deck cockpit have a layer of ingrained dirt which I think will need some pukka/strong cleaning products at some point (oxalic acid in solution, or the like) but for now she'll do... she's clean, just not immaculate....

Last job of the day was some varnishing... the wooden board at the back of the cockpit, the tiller, and the step into the cabin were all looking a little tired, if not flaky... rubbed down, wiped over with white spirit, and then given a coating of an own brand, exterior, high gloss varnish... hopefully they'll be dry in the morning!
....and that's it... done everything I can... she goes in tomorrow...wish me luck with those replacement sea cocks!
Steve I have found a water blaster excellent for removing most anything....just be careful as they can wreak havoc too. Anyway fair winds and sunny sky's for Easter
ReplyDeleteHi Paul - I toyed with the idea as I had the pressure washer with me, but it was a breezy day and there were a lot of other boats fairly close so decided not to... she'll do 'til I get near a fresh water tap again.... :o)