Sunday, 27 August 2017


Look what I got to go on yesterday..

...if you Google "Suhaili" [clicky] you'll know why this was an amazement and an honour...  and she was looking superb, and there's no way I would have gone round the world in her.. hats off...


  1. Lucky for some : > ) I read his book back in another life time when I was 20 years old - he's one of the greats. I read that Robin KJ was completing a big renovation on Shuhaili. Has the interior been completed??

    1. I would say she's been looked after very well.. standing rigging was gleaming as he's just finished having the exterior done.. I had a little look inside, and he's almost finished cabin sole... I understand he has a modern (plastic) forty+ footer as well for when he wants comfort.. :o)
