Unseasonably fine weather in the UK at the moment - I heard it was up to 14' (C) yesterday, but either way wall to wall sun, and too good a day to waste in the office when the next 'beast from the east' could be striking at any time, and there is a boat to get ready for the new season..

- Cockpit hatches/washboard - clean and paint - cleaned, masked, and one coat applied.. I'll put a second coat on tomorrow and the jobs done..
- Rubbing strakes/outboard pad - rub down and re-coat x 2 - bit more problematical this one... what I think has happened is that the heat last summer caused the coating to expand/shrink or whatever, but either way water has got behind it.. stripped off all the loose, sanded down to a firm layer, let it dry out a bit, and then gave it a coat of spirit based wood coating... it needs another coat at whuich time my guess is the line between old and new will disappear, but at the moment the wood is clean, dry, smooth and protected, and I'm not going to loose any sleep over not having spent a day stripping them completely.. if it nags me this summer, I'll do it next winter!
- dri plug - wire it in to the switch panel - no time
- replace/rewire new VHF - couldn't find my box of 12v spades/connectors etc. I'll do it tomorrow now I've found them where I put them "safely"..
- paint the stringers - coat of epoxy primer is on.. another tomorrow...
- cockpit hatch latch - done..
- glue wiring holders to hull were in the box of 12v spades/connectors etc. so I'll do this tomorrow as well..
Sparrows rubbing strakes look smart. You will soon be sailing. It will be interesting to see if you experience the same extremes of temperature that we have have had here in the southern hemisphere.
ReplyDeleteTa Alden... not perfect, but they'll do... i've always wanted perfection, but am usually happy to put function over form.. :o)) Been following the blog of a lady over your way who's building her own wooden boat and have she's been saying you guys have had a pretty good summer.. looking forward to another the same as last year here...