Saturday, 4 January 2020

Here we go...

... Christmas vouchers have jump started the new season prep...

First off...   stunning value, but more especially comes with the flexible drive shaft included also cutting disks..  this will be used all over, but specifically, will come in  handy for that little job on the outboard lifting lugs [clicky]...

Had one of these before and it was a bit of a ba*ls ache locking and unlocking it because of the fact that the engine sits in a well and with the lock on the underneath of the bolt you have to slip the key (and hand) in between bottom of well and bottom of lock - I'm not quite so precious about it now, and if necessary I'll cut an access hole in the bottom of the well.. - the last one was stolen with the old motor but but it was good enough quality that I have ordered a replacement... I'll be taking the engine cowling home with me after each sail, so I am hoping that this (along with the lock) is an added disincentive to nicking the new engine..

 ..last of all - time to stock the spares box..  spare spark plug for the new engine..

....first job - change the pug on the little Mariner - she was being a bit of a b*tch to get going at the end of last season, once she'd warmed up though she was good (LOL...  just re-read that...)..  I'm thinking that implies the plug is knackered..  I have a spare so will change it and see if it makes a difference. Once I get it going I then need to drain the old fuel from the tank ready for next season, or handing back to Julian - whichever comes first...  


  1. Sound idea about taking the engine cowling home and leaving a good cover (and engine lock) on the motor. - The engine cowling could double as a shopping basket on the way home, bound to fit a dozen bottles of beer and a few other important food for the galley sailing stores. Happy new year : >)

    1. Happy new year Alden - we could start an entirely new trend in sailing frippery... outboard engine cowl shopping bags... dyneema carrying handles.... I can see it now...

  2. HNY - My Mariner 5Hp had similar cold issues, was a carb problem, cured by very deep clean and rebuild of the card.

    Good luck with all the winter jobs

    1. Ta Max - happy new year and fair winds for the coming season... i'll try the plug first and if that doesn't work carb clean will be next..

  3. Don't be being mean about that little engine, it might sulk....

    Happy New Year by the way


    1. Julian - little engine is lovely - and I have a brand new shiny spark plug for her just as soon as I can summon the enthusiasm to get down the club...
