Thursday, 20 March 2025

First sail of the season and more jobs done..

The Jolly Boys have had their first sail of the new season, but before I get to that, first off news of further work completed..

It wasn't on the list but at the end of last season I had noticed that the boom/sail cover needed a little attention - I bought this in 2019, and compared with the one it replaced (which died after 6 years) it's in far better condition. This one is 6 years old this year, albeit we had a year of Covid where it didn't get a lot of UV - the material is OK'ish - just a little fragile on the fold lines, so I took the opportunity to reinforce the back of those with some sail repair tape. She's good for another year..

Which brings me to the Jolly Boys first sail of the year - which was.... utterly Baltic..! 🥶

Head gear de rigeur for the day.. 😏

Lovely sail over to Cowes though, including flying the asymmetric, but we were a boat on a mission for this first sail as tide times meant we couldn't hang around coming back.. we sailed almost all the way there, but then cracked and put the engine on for the last dash into Cowes where we got a fantastic berth in East Cowes (and only a tenner for a lunch stop as they're still on winter rates!)

...that was where we wuz.. 😁

Absolutely fantastic lunch in the Lifeboat, but with the wind dead on the nose, we motored for home..  we had to be back on the mooring by 5'ish or have to sit round waiting due to tides..  happily we did it, but yee gods it was cold on the way back, an easterly head wind is no fun in March..


Distance: 28.0 (cumulative total in the mileage tab at the top)
Wind (Speed; Direction): F3 very occasionally bottom F4 ; SExE going SE
Sail Plan: Full main/genoa; and we flew the blue meany/asymmetric
Speed (Max/average in knots): 7.6 / 4.1

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