...told you..

An unusual Saturday sail this week as tomorrow (today as I write) I'm off to London to see the start of the Clipper race [clicky] (the Sir Robin Knox Johnston round the world race for amateur crews) which is always a cracking day out.. my brother in law works for the race and has managed to get us some guest tickets on one of the spectator boats... more in the next post...
Either way - forecasts were indicating it might get a bit lively, certainly livelier than it was when I got on the boat, but needs must, and 'proper preparation prevents..' etcetc so I wacked in a reef on the main and cast off for a dead down wind run down the trench.. the wind was almost westerly for the whole trip which is ideal for getting to the bottom of the harbour.. typically of course it went round more south for an hour in the middle, but happily, after I'd passed Marker
Other than that a lovely trip.. with the wind westerly I had planned to head straight out of the harbour, as I had plenty of time, and we're on springs so plenty of water. The wind heading, and then that view above over my shoulder put paid to that.. the camera didn't do it justice (honest..

Stupdendous drag race then ensued up the harbour, wind over the quarter and the weather helm on the tiller was building, slack tide so 5.5 knots true, she was flying.. came round the corner at Fisherman's and the wind came on the nose so sails down, engine on, and back to the mooring.. job done.. man it was good to be sailing again.
Distance: 9.25 miles (cumulative total in the mileage tab at the top)
Wind (Speed; Direction): F4 gusting (top) F5; WxS with an hour of SWxW in the middle
Sail Plan: Reefed main and genoa
Speed (Max/average in knots): 5.5 / 3 knots
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